Black and White Chevron Fabric on Custom Changing Pad

October 03, 2012

September was a busy month with the arrival of our newest baby girl, but I’m officially now back in the studio. My first full week back and I had the pleasure of working on a custom order. A customer requested our changing pad in a black and white chevron print. There’s something about the colors black and white that make it classic and never go out of style. Mix it together with chevron print and you have one fabulous look. I shipped the order out on Friday so I wanted to share it here with you. Enjoy! blog_pad_chevron_bw_web_2012_09_28-2 blog_pad_chevron_bw_web_2012_09_28-3 blog_pad_chevron_bw_web_2012_09_28-4 blog_pad_chevron_bw_web_2012_09_28-5 blog_pad_chevron_bw_web_2012_09_28-7 Check out the shop for other patterns currently available.

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